
How to Pack a Maternity Bag

How to Pack a Maternity Bag It's time for that greatest of all great moments: the birth of your child. It's easy to make sure you're ready by packing yourself a bag well in advance of your due date.

  • Bring your own comfortable clothes - nightgown, nursing shirt or whatever makes you happy - though you might just end up using those hospital gowns. Why stain your own clothes when you don't have to?
  • Get that nursing bra in the bag, too. Also pack some breast pads, in case you turn out to be a leaker.
  • Pack basic toiletries - toothbrush, paste, hairbrush, face cream - as well as any other products you use every day. Even though they'll send you home quickly, it's nice to be comfortable while you're there.
  • Make sure to bring an outfit for you to wear home. Consider a mid-pregnancy size - or you can fall back on your husband's jeans.
  • Pick out a coming home outfit for your newborn. Make sure you've got socks and a hat. Pack a receiving blanket and some warmer clothes if you'll be bringing him home in the winter.
  • Take along any phone numbers of people you want to contact right away. Also bring a cell phone, phone card or lots of change.
  • Have a camera or video camera on hand if you want to preserve those first moments. (Don't forget the film, tapes and batteries.)
  • Consider bringing a small cooler with your favorite foods and drinks so you don't have to dine on hospital fare.
  • Bring your journal or a baby book if you plan to keep one. If you're up to it, you can record your thoughts and feelings while they're still fresh.
  • 0Keep in mind that the hospital will send you home with all manner of product samples - diapers, creams, wipes, aspirator.
  • 1Install your car seat well in advance of your due date. You don't want to be fumbling to get it positioned as you embark on your first car ride.
  • 2Include any important personal items that will help you get through labor. Your lucky necklace? A stuffed toy from childhood? If it will help, bring it.
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